Anxiety and Depression

2461310097The hits just keep on coming…

When you’re anxious or depressed, everyday challenges become crushing blows.

And it’s hard to cope with and bounce back from a crushing blow… especially with how you’re feeling right now.

How can you live well when your eating and sleeping are off… and when you have NO energy to face the day?

And if we don’t take care of ourselves…

Stress can take over our minds and bodies – and I’m not just talking about heart palpitations, rapid breathing, sweating, panic, and racing thoughts.

Constantly overthinking robs you of all joy in your life. All you want to do is sleep or cry.

Naturally, you withdraw from what you used to enjoy in life. You withdraw from other people.

It leaves you feeling sad and lonely ALL the time.

2407176937Unfortunately, this is common.

We live in a world where we increasingly feel isolated, afraid, and alone.

We’re constantly worried – about EVERYTHING.

And feeling out of control leaves us tired and depleted.

We become scattered beings, as our thoughts and emotions are all over the place.

“I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and my soul knows it full well.

Psalms 139:4”.

There’s a brighter future in store for you!

Turning to faith, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and seeking the support of understanding friends can all help on your path.

God can heal and restore our hearts and emotions from anxiety and depression. I know it.

It’s time to reach out for help. I’m here. Let’s start with your free consultation: (229) 200-3675.