Geriatric and Aging Issues

2285281075They say age is just a number.

But we know that’s not entirely true. The Bible tells us…

“… to number our days, so that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” – Psalms 90:12

“Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak, nor his strength gone.” – Deuteronomy 34:7

“Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.” – Psalms 90:10

As we get older, new questions pop up…

“Is it a good idea to keep driving?”

“I used to be so social… how is it that I now feel lonely and isolated?”

“Why am I standing here, staring into the refrigerator?”

“Where are my glasses?”

This can be a difficult stage of life.


You might be losing connection to community… and friends and family don’t visit as much. Maybe you’ve lost a pet, and you miss their snuggles.


Sometimes, you’re so tired the only thing you can think of is taking a nap! And when you don’t have the energy to go out and do things, it isolates you even more.


Teeth, eyes, the rest of your body… it seems like one doctor appointment after another. You don’t really want to drive, but you don’t want to be a burden on others, either.


Let’s face it: As we get older, we need others’ help more and more. Driving is an issue… keeping your meds straight is an issue… even opening that pickle jar can be a pain!

And maybe most frightening…

Dementia. Is it normal age-related forgetting or something much worse? Either way, you fear falling or needing help, and no one comes to the rescue.

704614264I’m here to listen and guide you through it.

With my experience in geriatric and aging, I can help you make sense of it all. I can provide support to help you cope with the challenges of aging and finding meaning in life.

I’ll listen without judgment and give you a safe space where you are heard and understood with dignity, compassion, and empathy.

I’ll also connect you to local resources that provide coping skills, elder care, and access to senior citizen centers. We must keep developing new hobbies and forming lasting friendships as we get older!

Therapy is definitely the way to enhance your life and build a happier future!

2157169755Feeling lost and alone…

It’s painful.

I encourage you to seek guidance and support from your family, friends, and faith leaders as you navigate this challenging time.

You’re also making the right decision by seeking support from a professional therapist.

I find Proverbs 24:14 reassuring. It speaks about the importance of finding wisdom and how it’s the key to hope and a secure future.

Let me walk beside you as you find wisdom. Call (229) 200-3675 for your free consultation.